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Ensure that your organization is safe for people and good for the planet.


  • Ensure safety and wellness

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of risks

  • Promote sustainability

  • Reduce your ecological footprint

  • Understand the impact your organization has on the environment

  • Track key processes involved, from energy to waste

Apps Available in Sustainability & Risk Module

Select one, three, or all apps to align with your business needs.


Energy Management

Track and manage energy use to control costs, reduce carbon footprint, and mitigate risk.



Waste Management

Track and manage waste streams from generation through disposition to minimize health and regulatory risk.



Sustainability Assessment

Measure performance indicators and mitigate risk to reduce an organization’s carbon footprint and achieve other environmental goals.


Emergency Preparedness

Ensure business continuity and expedited recovery in the event of a disaster.



Green Building

Achieve carbon footprint and environmental sustainability certification goals for individual buildings or across an entire portfolio.


Hazard Abatement

Streamline the time-consuming and highly-regulated process of identifying and abating indoor environmental hazards.


Hazardous Materials

Retrieve material safety information quickly to help protect individuals from hazardous chemicals and reduce regulatory compliance costs.


Health & Safety

Gain control over workplace safety incidents, personal protective equipment (PPE), training, medical monitoring, and work restrictions.

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